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Interesting Facts about Registered Nurses in the UK


Registered nurses are an integral part of the UK healthcare system providing critical support to patients in times of need. They are highly skilled, compassionate, and dedicated professionals coming from diverse backgrounds.

The job of an agency nurse is highly rewarding with each working day bringing its own set of challenges. Overcoming these gives you a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment as you go about positively impacting human lives. Some interesting facts about nurses registered in the UK are listed here:

Demand More Than Supply

Out of the practising nurses registered, some work in the NHS while others work in the private sector. However, many nurses opt for flexible hours to work around personal commitments. The nursing workforce comprises of those from the European Union and other countries as well with the latter outnumbering the former.

With an increase in the number of vacancies for qualified nurses and fewer posts being filled, there exists a huge shortfall. To really address this large shortfall more nurses need to be trained in the UK, and more nurses need to be applying for nursing college places.

Inherent Soft Skills an Asset

In addition to having a caring nature and advanced communication skills, a UK agency nurse also has to be a good listener. They will realise that every interaction with the patient and their loved ones must be delicately handled. These soft skills will invariably leave a lasting impact and are the differentiating factor between recovery and further deterioration in the patient’s health.

Revalidation is Mandatory

Every three years nursing registration comes up for revalidation. To retain it, nurses must have at least 450 practice hours to their credit within a three-year period. It includes practical nursing experience and active learning hours spent in improving one’s skills. In addition, feedback from practice, patients and colleagues is considered.

A nurse must give a personal synopsis of how certain situations they have encountered in their professional journey, and this has to be discussed with their accessor. A declaration stating your fitness to practice and acknowledging of your indemnity insurance cover must be signed off by a senior colleague. Once your dossier is submitted for revalidation, it may subsequently be audited.

Job Opportunities are Plenty

The traditional concept of registered nurses only working for the NHS no longer exists. With additional training there are many other avenues open to nurses. Nurses can explore careers in the military, the prison service, private practice, cosmetic clinics, private healthcare organisations and even working in an office environment as a nurse assessor or even with a drug company. Your nursing skills can be utilised in many sectors.

With the development of technology and globalisation the opportunities for qualified nurses are endless. However keeping your skills constantly updated and keeping in touch with technologies will always improve your chances for advancement.

The Contact Telephone Number for Nursing Personnel