Highly stressful situations, ethical dilemmas, and critical decisions are all a part of the environment of an intensive therapy unit ( ITU). Despite these challanges, ITU nurses opt to work in this clinical area. Read the below to learn more about ITU nursing and its challenges.
What Is ITU Nursing?
ITU nursing focuses on the care of critically ill, unstable, or post-surgery patients. It also deals with patients suffering from life-threatening injuries and diseases. Considering these complex conditions, ITU nurses need to possess sharp clinical skills and ability to communicate clearly with other medical practioners. Working in the ITU is like a continued education. Every patient is different and gives you an opportunity to improve your experience and skills.
What Makes ITU Nurses Special?
Agency nurse ITU jobs demand great responsibility from nurses. You will need sound clinical judgment, have the ability to demonstrate caring practices, collaborate with a multidisciplinary team and provide patient and family support. These are just some of the qualities required to work in this clinically specialised area.
Standards Of Care
Assessment: The assessment for acute and critically ill patients start by collecting relevant patient data.
Diagnosis: The collected data is then analysed, and appropriate diagnosis is determined.
Outcome Identification: Every ITU patient is different. As an ITU nurse, you may need to identify individual, and plausible outcomes for the patient.
Planning: You will then be required to create an appropiate care paln. This may include interventions for reaching the desired outcomes.
Implementation: The interventions identified must be implemented in this stage for the successful execution of the plan.
Evaluation: Continuous evaluation or patient monitoring is needed for patient well-being.
Other Challanges
Respecting the right of a patient’s decision making process and autonomy is one of the primary responsibilities of an ITU nurse. Agency nurse ITU jobs will also require you to intervene when you feel that the patient well-being is under threat. You will have to help the patient to get the necessary care considering the patients beliefs, values, and rights. The job will also require you to act as a liaison between healthcare professionals and the patient’s family.
Technological Advances And Their Impact On ITU
While patient care technology has transformed the concept of nursing, it is also becoming increasingly complex. The same technology if not monitoted correctly can lead to adverse events and errors. As an ITU nurse, you will be dealing with many specialised instruments like nasogastric tubes, ostomy appliances, oxygen tanks and regulators, traction systems, and code carts.
Indirect nursing care delivery makes use of robotics, radio frequency identification, computerised staffing, and inventory systems. You will need to be well-versed with using these instruments.
Working in intensive care is a specialised role. A quick thinking mind, an understanding mindset, and the ability to grow yourself as a professional are some of the key attributes required. Mastering these principles will provide you with ultimate job satisfaction and fulfillment.